As any viewers will realise, we aren't yet making full use of this website - our more current site is on Facebook ( however we do look to be increasing use of this site in the near future. If there ...Read More

This year is EUOC's 50th Anniversary and therefore an AROS celebration. What started off as an AROS weekend has rather spiralled and become what is likely to be one of the biggest orienteering events this year in Britain...Race the Castles. ...Read More

EUOC are hosting what I'm sure will be another excellent alumni weekend for us in October.   (12th-14th) This is something we are trying to set up as an annual event for anyone, whichever graduation year they are, to come back ...Read More

Important decisions are currently being made with everyone on our mailing list being invited to contribute. If you would like to join the mailing list please ask one of the committee members for the link. Lucy (Secretary) clash royale hack ...Read More

Welcome to the AROS website! For all previous members of Edinburgh University Orienteering Club (EUOC). The club has has restarted and had it's first AGM on 28th May 2011. Your current committee are Ed Nicholas (Captain), Lucy Fryer (Secretary), Duncan Grassie ...Read More